Projects of the Month 
Ceiling Fan
[800x600] [909x682]
Ceiling Fan
Viewed: 2955 times.

Highlight for Album: Desk Extension
Album: Desk Extension

My desk extension. In the end, just got a bigger one!
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 15 items.
Viewed: 3355 times.

serverinfo: a quake script initiated by ronr that will allow interactive communication w/ the server console. most game support this natively, but not q3, ohhh no! heh
[645x517 90kB] [645x517 90kB]
serverinfo: a quake script initiated by ronr that will allow interactive communication w/ the server console. most game support this natively, but not q3, ohhh no! heh
Viewed: 3044 times.

Highlight for Album: ownT by painTing
Album: ownT by painTing

painting.. is.. fun.. pfft
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 15 items.
Viewed: 3398 times.

Highlight for Album: Super Who Dah? Light!
Album: Super Who Dah? Light!

If you have to ask why, don't bother... But, check it out, cool light!
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 3132 times.

Highlight for Album: Untitled
Album: Untitled
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 2862 times.

Highlight for Album: Our new spa!
Album: Our new spa!

Our new Spa: Cal Spas Bel Air! (sooped up of course w/ extras!)
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 22 items.
Last comment 06/02/04.
Viewed: 6708 times.

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