TiVo's rock! 

I didn't really do too much to the Tivo. Just added a 2nd HDD to it for more space. Oh, rewired the fan to always be on too. Since then, I've redone HDDs several times. Swaped them out for bigger ones, replaced a bad one, yaddi yaddi.

Okie doke, so I lured you in w/ Hacking a TiVo.. Well, false advertising.. I didn't hack it really.. I mean, there is some work involved in adding a second drive, but I didn't hack their service or add a network card.. You should see some of the things they are doing at avsforums.com!!!
Okie doke, so I lured you in w/ Hacking a TiVo.. Well, false advertising.. I didn't hack it really.. I mean, there is some work involved in adding a second drive, but I didn't hack their service or add a network card.. You should see some of the things they are doing at avsforums.com!!!
Viewed: 3813 times.

The drive w/ the purple zip ties is the one I added.. DUH!! LOL!
The drive w/ the purple zip ties is the one I added.. DUH!! LOL!
Viewed: 3569 times.

Top angle.. Oh, it was a 40gig drive. Mine came w/ a 30gig drive and about 30 hours. After adding the 40gig to it, and 'blessing' it (TiVo hack term), i got about 75 hours out of it..
[600x320] [637x340]
Top angle.. Oh, it was a 40gig drive. Mine came w/ a 30gig drive and about 30 hours. After adding the 40gig to it, and 'blessing' it (TiVo hack term), i got about 75 hours out of it..
Viewed: 3767 times.

Another side shot.
[600x495] [634x523]
Another side shot.
Viewed: 3756 times.

Curious to see what my cat looks like behind it? Well, I just so happened to take a shot!
[600x400] [633x422]
Curious to see what my cat looks like behind it? Well, I just so happened to take a shot!
Viewed: 3602 times.

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