[600x454] [806x610]
Motherboard in place (ASUS CUSL2 at the time). You can see my 'golden orb' too. It has since been replaced w/ an Alpha.
Viewed: 3546 times.
Front view. 120mm hole in front, dual 60mm's in the back, 80mm on top.
Viewed: 3384 times.
[600x518] [622x537]
Top view. You can see my case handle (VERY handy for LAN parties), the top 80mm fan and grill are in place, and the dual 60's in the back are in place too.
Viewed: 3436 times.
[600x425] [806x571]
There's the top 80mm and you can see a couple bolts coming through for the handle.
Viewed: 3339 times.
[600x467] [627x488]
Front 120mm fan.. This guy is a monster.. Cut yer finger off man! So I put a wire mesh on it.. PLUS it is *the* intake fan.. So hopefully this will stop a lot of cat fur and such from getting in! :o)
Viewed: 3474 times.
[600x458] [714x545]
Same shot, but you can see the dual 60's in the back.
Viewed: 3423 times.
[600x454] [806x610]
Here's how close the top 80mm fan is to the Live Drive! Luckily the Live Drive isn't enclosed as say a CDROM drive is...
Viewed: 3681 times.
[600x454] [806x610]
Side anlge of 80mm fan and Live Drive. It has maybe 1/4" of play before it hits capacitors.
Viewed: 3595 times.