Note: This was put up as an example of what I did only! I am not responsible for anything that you may or may not do whether you did or did not follow this example. Just look at the pretty pics, you cannot blame me if you break someting, start a fire, or anything else good or bad or neither! Don't you hate that you have to say things like this?! 
Project: Installation of Zalman ZM80C-HP GPU Heatpipe on an ATI 9800 (non-pro)
Goal: Get the video card silent!
Cost: Heatpipe-$27, Arctic Silver 5-$4
Tools needed: Small pliers, screw driver that comes w/ the Heatpipe, Razor Blade, Rubbing Alcohol, Some sort of thermal paste (it comes w/ some, I used Arctic Silver 5)
Time: took about 1/2 hour, was taking my time.
I've been through my overclocking days. I've been through my 18-fans-in-a-case phase. Now I'm in my silence phase... What better way to go silent then to get rid of the blaringly loud GPU fan!
This little 40mm screamer was the loudest fan in my case. So, I added this Zalman 'fanless' heatpipe GPU cooler. This is in an ATI 9800 (non-pro) and the recommend using a fan on it. Bottom line is that the sucker runs hot. However, 3dmark2k3 and GTA3 Vice City run fine w/ it!
This was tested in the winter time when the office was 73 degrees. We'll see what happens in the summer time when the office is 84 degrees. I may have to add an optional fan to it and undervolt it for silence.