Water Games 
You can't tell, but I'm excited and ready to go scuba diving! The scuba diving was in Mozatlan.
[800x533] [1536x1024]
You can't tell, but I'm excited and ready to go scuba diving! The scuba diving was in Mozatlan.
Viewed: 3059 times.

The water is a bit.. salty...
[800x533] [1536x1024]
The water is a bit.. salty...
Viewed: 2958 times.

That WAS our boat!
[800x533] [1536x1024]
That WAS our boat!
Viewed: 2816 times.

Who Dah? about.. 15 feet down or so, the last point in which our underwater 'el cheapo' camera would work!
[800x533] [1536x1024]
Who Dah? about.. 15 feet down or so, the last point in which our underwater 'el cheapo' camera would work!
Viewed: 2835 times.

Mrs. Who Dah?, same depth.
[800x533] [1536x1024]
Mrs. Who Dah?, same depth.
Viewed: 2821 times.

The two of us, awwwwwww!
[800x533] [1536x1024]
The two of us, awwwwwww!
Viewed: 3313 times.

OK, switch gears, we're now snorkling in Cabo over 400 miles from where Mozatlan was!
[800x533] [1536x1024]
OK, switch gears, we're now snorkling in Cabo over 400 miles from where Mozatlan was!
Viewed: 2902 times.

The leader caught this puffer, he puffed for us!
[800x533] [1536x1024]
The leader caught this puffer, he puffed for us!
Viewed: 2776 times.

Here's another puffer he caught, this one was a spiney puffer and I got to hold it too! They aren't very manuverable when puffed, heh!
[800x533] [1536x1024]
Here's another puffer he caught, this one was a spiney puffer and I got to hold it too! They aren't very manuverable when puffed, heh!
Viewed: 2859 times.

Here's... a fish.
[800x533] [1536x1024]
Here's... a fish.
Viewed: 2699 times.

One fish, two fish...
[800x533] [1536x1024]
One fish, two fish...
Viewed: 2871 times.

Red fish, blue fish...
[800x533] [1536x1024]
Red fish, blue fish...
Viewed: 2701 times.

Fish, fish...
[800x533] [1536x1024]
Fish, fish...
Viewed: 2938 times.

OK, here's the real blue fish. Underneath the big fish you can see a bright blue fish. It's a wrasse!
[800x533] [1536x1024]
OK, here's the real blue fish. Underneath the big fish you can see a bright blue fish. It's a wrasse!
Viewed: 2877 times.

Pretty fish!
[800x533] [1536x1024]
Pretty fish!
Viewed: 2834 times.

Yup, I don't know the name of this one either...
[800x533] [1536x1024]
Yup, I don't know the name of this one either...
Viewed: 2774 times.

From the snorkle boat, shots of the Pacific Ocean and The Sea of Cortez.
[800x600] [1363x1022]
From the snorkle boat, shots of the Pacific Ocean and The Sea of Cortez.
Viewed: 2902 times.

Another shot of the boundary.
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Another shot of the boundary.
Viewed: 2762 times.

And another!
[600x800] [1022x1363]
And another!
Viewed: 2893 times.

Pelican Island
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Pelican Island
Viewed: 2726 times.

Pelican Island w/ Cabo in the background, and a stranger's shadow in the foreground!
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Pelican Island w/ Cabo in the background, and a stranger's shadow in the foreground!
Viewed: 2856 times.

This is "Lover's Beach". A sandy beach about 20 or 30 yards long w/ the Pacific Ocean on one side, and the Sea of Cortez on the other!
[800x600] [1363x1022]
This is "Lover's Beach". A sandy beach about 20 or 30 yards long w/ the Pacific Ocean on one side, and the Sea of Cortez on the other!
Viewed: 2869 times.

Lover's Beach again.
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Lover's Beach again.
Viewed: 2805 times.

And again!
[800x600] [1363x1022]
And again!
Viewed: 2805 times.

I forget what this is called... But the tour guide said it was 'the big finger' saying goodbye to all the tourists!
[600x800] [1022x1363]
I forget what this is called... But the tour guide said it was 'the big finger' saying goodbye to all the tourists!
Viewed: 2888 times.

This is called the 'Pacific Window'. We're in the Sea of Cortez, and through the rocks, you can see the Pacific Ocean.
[600x800] [1022x1363]
This is called the 'Pacific Window'. We're in the Sea of Cortez, and through the rocks, you can see the Pacific Ocean.
Viewed: 3003 times.

Coming around to face the 'Pacific Window'.
[600x800] [1022x1363]
Coming around to face the 'Pacific Window'.
Viewed: 2758 times.

Then the Pacific Ocean sends a burst of water through!
[600x800] [1022x1363]
Then the Pacific Ocean sends a burst of water through!
Viewed: 2825 times.

That's a lot of water!
[600x800] [1022x1363]
That's a lot of water!
Viewed: 3018 times.

To the left, water from the Pacific Ocean flows through.
[800x600] [1363x1022]
To the left, water from the Pacific Ocean flows through.
Viewed: 2745 times.

'Los Arcos', the arches.
[800x600] [1363x1022]
'Los Arcos', the arches.
Viewed: 3034 times.

Another shot of 'Los Arcos'.
[600x800] [1022x1363]
Another shot of 'Los Arcos'.
Viewed: 2868 times.

Um.. a rock?
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Um.. a rock?
Viewed: 2831 times.

Considering we were in a raft, the water was surprisingly calm!
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Considering we were in a raft, the water was surprisingly calm!
Viewed: 2810 times.

Pretty rocks again.
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Pretty rocks again.
Viewed: 2796 times.

This dude got up there on high tide and is now stuck till high tide comes again!
[800x600] [1363x1022]
This dude got up there on high tide and is now stuck till high tide comes again!
Viewed: 3079 times.

Oposite 'Lover's Beach' is 'Divorse Beach'! We're in the Pacific Ocean here. Note the water color change!
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Oposite 'Lover's Beach' is 'Divorse Beach'! We're in the Pacific Ocean here. Note the water color change!
Viewed: 2913 times.

Man, Cabo has some nice beaches!
[800x600] [1363x1022]
Man, Cabo has some nice beaches!
Viewed: 3035 times.

I want to live over there, to the right. No, no, more to the right. OK, too far, back to the left!
[800x600] [1363x1022]
I want to live over there, to the right. No, no, more to the right. OK, too far, back to the left!
Viewed: 3213 times.

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